Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our shower head broke.

This is how I fixed it!

There is simply nothing more handy than hair ties! Woot!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Snow is like SongKran, fun for the first day and then shit.

...No actually, I lie. I still love the snow, especially when you wake up in the morning, walk outside to sunny skies, ankle deep snow and no footprints on the ground.

But after trekking through slushy, torrid streets and then hiking through the meadows and getting disoriented while carting around 14kgs worth of groceries like a pack-dog, and as the plastic bags threatens to slice off your brittle fingers... for the 78th time, I think..ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe those homeless dudes are onto something with their canine sidekicks... Perhaps they all secretly have tiny sleds that come out when no1 is watching.

...... despite all my whining though, I am looking forward to building a snowman that dwarfs them all!
All other snowmen will bow to his greatness! They will look at him with great envy. He will stick his carrot nose in the air, and as spring approaches, he will be last to melt. yay!

In other news, I have FINALLY found an Asian Grocer (thats chinese, NOT indian, NOT middle-eastern)! Only to be greatly disappointed.

What! £2.45 for 3 tiny sachels of instant miso soup? .... £3 for 50g of Wasabi peas?

Fuck off!

Oh I cry, I cry... and so i slushed my way home, with just three measly packets of kimchi noodles.